Do you wash your face twice a day? Good. Do you use moisturizer and SPF? Great! Now it’s time to add an eye cream into your daily skincare regimen. The skin around your eyes is extremely delicate and needs some special care compared to the rest of your face. Signs of aging and tiredness are more noticeable around your eyes than anywhere else, and as such a little TLC can go a longer way than you might think. Keep in mind that your eyes are one of the first things people notice when they see you. Taking an extra 20 seconds to make sure the skin around your eyes is healthy and nourished will reap benefits down the road.

Eye creams are extremely easy to use too. Once you’ve washed your face at night and applied your moisturizer, take a small dollop (very small) with your index finger and tap your other index finger to even out the cream on each one. Then dab, don’t rub, the eye cream under each eye and on the sides with the corresponding finger. That’s it. Done. Literally a 20 second process.
Today, I wanted to highlight three eye creams that I either use now or have used in the past. None are outrageously expensive, as some eye creams can be. But they work and, in my opinion, do exactly what they claim to.
This is my current eye cream. It’s an excellent all around eye cream that tackles wrinkles, signs of aging, and dark skin. With ingredients like Retinol and Hyaluronic acid, the skin around my eyes feels nourished and healthy. Additionally, the pump makes getting the right amount easier than scooping out of a small tub. You can take a skincare quiz here, and get 50% off a customized Geologie Trial Kit (which is a great place to start exploring skincare).

2. Kiehl’s Age Defender Eye Cream
This eye cream is extremely rich. If you think your eyes need some extra care or if you have serious concerns about reversing the sands of time, I would recommend checking out this eye cream. I do not recommend any of the other products from Kiehl’s Age Defender line. I don’t think they work very well. But this eye cream is a true gem hidden in the rough.
3. Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Crème
Ya, I know, it’s a silly name, but this eye cream does exactly what its name implies. It brightens the skin around your eyes. If you have some darker skin around your eyes, and want to take a shot at brightening that area, I would suggest trying this cream. Ingredients like Vitamin C and Collagen help tackle that darker skin and rejuvenate the area around the eyes.
Regardless of which eye cream you want to try, or if you want to try another product all together, I highly recommend adding an eye cream to your daily skincare practice. That skin needs to be protected and an eye creams the best way to do just that.
*The Geologie Anti-Wrinkle Under Eye Cream was a gifted product.*