I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We did, but I think I could have found a little more room for some food in my left leg. My brother-in-law made this amazing smoked turkey that I couldn’t get enough of! But after all the cookies, potatoes, stuffing, and everything else I’m ready to get back into my gym and healthy eating routines. Today I thought I would share what I wore for Thanksgiving dinner. It might not help you with Thanksgiving dinner this year, but I think this can be worm all season long. So, hopefully you can find some holiday dinner outfit inspiration in this post.

I think the best way to dress up your holiday dinner outfit is to keep it classic. Christmas dinner is not the time to experiment. Of course the level of “dressiness” depends on your facility traditions. Sometimes corduroys, a tattersall shirt, and pair of country brogues is the perfect holiday dinner outfit. Perhaps your family tradition is to keep things completely casual. If that’s the case, a pair of dark jeans, oxford shirt, a chunky sweater and pair of boots is perfect. In my case, my sister-in-law is trying to build traditions in her new house and wants to host (and has hosted) some fantastic holiday dinners. The last thing I want to do is show up looking like a schlub when everyone else is dressed up.

While I don’t think you have to anticipate your host’s every whim and desire, it is important, as a guest, to respect your host’s vision. While you may not be sure of the dress for an event, always ask if you don’t know. For me, I know my family, and I know what my sister-in-law is looking to create. I want to respect that and be a willing participant. It’s relatively easy for me as I’ve never been one to shy away from dressing up!
Holiday Dinner Outfit

Jacket: Brooks Brothers // Shirt: Harvie & Hudson // Tie: T.M. Lewin
Trousers: Brooks Brothers // Belt: W. Kleinberg
Socks: Corgi // Shoes: Salvatore Ferragamo