It’s been said that the first thing a woman notices about a man is his shoes. I believe that no matter how pulled together your outfit may be, a bad pair of shoes can ruin the entire look. I’m also a firm believer in spending money on a quality pair of shoes. I think high-quality shoes which can be resoled will last much longer and cost less money in the long run that several pairs of cheap shoes with inferior construction. These are just some of the reasons that I’m a big fan (and customer) of Allen Edmonds.
A lot of people recommend European and British made shoes, and for a good reason. However, as a U.S. based shopper, shopping for those shoes can be difficult, especially when trying to find the right fit and for a good price. Fortunately, we have an absolute fantastic shoemaker based in the United States with almost a hundred years of experience.
I think one of the things that makes Allen Edmonds a little unapproachable for some people is the price. $400 is a lot of money to pay for a pair of shoes. I personally, think they’re worth it, but that’s definitely not cheap. However there are two options to reduce the cost. Occasionally, Allen Edmonds puts some of their shoes on clearance. These might be runs that are ending or a style that’s going to be updated, but whatever the reason, they are great deals. Secondly, Allen Edmonds offers their seconds at a discounted price. Seconds are shoes that don’t pass their factory inspection. They’re perfectly wearable, but they might have a blemish in the leather or an error in the stitching. A lot of times these imperfections will become less noticeable as you wear the shoes. Some imperfections can be more noticeable than others, so these can be a slight gamble. But they are returnable (with a $25 restocking fee).
Now…here’s the exciting part! Allen Edmonds is offering and additional 40% off both clearance and factory seconds with the code PLUS40 through Labor Day! I picked up a pair of these boots which I got for $242 down from $495! That’s a fantastic deal for a pair of Goodyear welted boots with Dainite rubber soles.
I’ve put together two graphics today. One is of my picks from the clearance items, and the other is my selection from the factory seconds. I split them up so there was no confusion about what you might be buying.
Allen Edmonds Labor Day Closeout Clearance

Northland Camp Mocs // McAllister Wingtips
Turner Suede Penny Loafers // Grayson Moc-toe Slipons
Allen Edmonds Labor Day Closeout Seconds

Liverpool Chelsea Boots // Dalton Wingtip Boots