*Beckett Simonon provided the double monk strap shoes featured in this post*
A few years ago, you couldn’t swing a stick without hitting a pair of double monk strap shoes. They were omnipresent. However, it now seems like that trend has run its course. But I’m here to tell you, loyal reader, that this might be the best time to buy a pair.
Trends tend to run in cycles: thin lapels and wide lapels, prints and solids, etc. I’m personally in the camp against following trends. I prefer to shop for my body type and personal style regardless of what’s currently “en vogue”. That was and is the secret of the real menswear greats: Clark Gable, Carey Grant, Steve McQueen, and so on. They never strayed too far from what worked for them, regardless of popular opinion. As a result, they were never too far behind or ahead of the curve, and never looked out of style. Because they were always in style.

Double monk strap shoes are always stylish, but their popularity is a matter of where their trend cycle currently are. I personally think that while they are having a down moment is the best time to buy. By the time you have them broken-in with a stunning patina, the time will be right for everyone to take notice. Then, by the next downturn, when someone comments on your shoes, you can nonchalantly mutter, “These old things? I’ve had them for years.” For me, the trick isn’t about trying to time the style market, but playing the style odds. And odds are that shoes made with integrity and quality materials, like shoes from Beckett Simonon, will always be in style.
How to Style Double Monk Strap Shoes

Shoes: Beckett Simonon
Suit: Suitsupply // Shirt: Harvie & Hudson
Tie: Boggi Milano // Belt: Ferragamo
The real beauty of double monks is their versatility. They look as good with a pair of jeans as they do with a full suit. The only “rules” to stick to are your basic color rules: browns with navy blue and other blues, blacks with navy and charcoal, and tans with grays and khakis. For this post, I paired my Beckett Simonon double monk straps in their new Oak color with a light gray suit. This is an excellent summer combination with lighter colors to keep the heat off; perfect for a summer wedding or other formal gathering. And while we probably won’t be attending any events this year, this look isn’t going anywhere. It will probably look just as sharp in 2021 or 2022. That’s the true beauty of buying quality clothes with a classic style.
The secret to staying stylish isn’t riding the trends, nor is it in bucking the current fashion to stand out. It’s in finding what works for you and your body, blocking out the noise of the trends, and following a few simple rules in proportion, color use, and pattern matching. Double monk strap shoes certainly fit the bill for a stylish life.