Last week Kenneth Starr showed up at the Trump impeachment trial wearing a khaki double-breasted trench coat (and an ill-advised cowboy hat). While I agree that a fedora would have been a much better choice of headwear, I have to take issue with the number of comments I saw online…
Tag: T. M. Lewin

Westerns, Charcuterie, and Christmas Sweaters
Oh man, another post? I better not make it a habit. I might just become a real blogger! But seriously, I’m really trying to get to the computer more and write. These Weekend Reading posts are a great way to get the juices flowing and find some inspiration. I know…

Holiday Dinner Outfit Inspiration
I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We did, but I think I could have found a little more room for some food in my left leg. My brother-in-law made this amazing smoked turkey that I couldn’t get enough of! But after all the cookies, potatoes, stuffing, and everything else…
Outfit of the Day November 13, 2017
So I’m going to try something new. It seem like people would appreciate it I posted the details of my Instagram Outfits of the Day and Shaves of the Day directly on the blog. I think this sounds like a great idea, and I’m going to do it as much…

Harry Dean Stanton, Taylor of Old Bond St., and Girlbosses
My weekly roundup from the worlds of men’s style, fashion, grooming, and lifestyle.