Chris Pine is currently one of the biggest names in Hollywood. From saving the universe as Captain Kirk to a supporting role in the blockbuster superhero film Wonder Woman, Pine is not afraid to take a risk. So, we are going to look at how you can be a risk taker like Pine in your style, grooming, and career.
Tag: style
Caswell-Massey Soap Round Up
We all have those brands. The ones whose grooming products in which we’re interested, but for some reason haven’t made any purchases. Maybe the reasons are financial. Maybe we have too many products already, and we’re afraid of getting involved with another brand. Maybe we just forget each time we’re ready to make some purchases. For me, one of those companies was Caswell-Massey. I was well aware of Caswell-Massey’s history as America’s oldest apothecary and reputation for high quality men’s shaving and grooming products. But I had never actually purchased anything. That changed about two months ago when I decided to finally take the soapy plunge.
Weekend Reading: Cowboys, WW1, and F1
Weekend Reading: Cowboys, WW1, and F1 What a week! Both kids are now sick. We’ve had about two or three wake-ups per night, and full on wake up is around 5:00 am. We were approached to do our first collaboration, so hopefully there’s more news on that in the future….
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Several months ago wrote a blog post recommending the book The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday. I described it as a book that changed the way I viewed the world. After reading the book I wanted to know more about Ryan’s philosophy and the…
Style Thoughts: Put Their Stylists to Work for You
I woke up this morning and found my inbox and Feedly were full of best and worst dressed lists from last night’s Golden Globes. It seemed like everyone from E! Online to The Today Show had a list of the best dressed men from the award show. Even Business Insider…