Two nights ago my wife and I were putting together a Fall clothing order for the family online from J. Crew. They are currently running a 25% off promotion through Halloween, and we thought it was a great way to get some new clothes for everyone this Autumn. She was…
Tag: mensstyle
Charcoal Suit, Navy Suit, Now What?
There are a lot of articles out there on buying your first suit or what to buy out of college for your first interview, etc. However, this blog is all about breaking your style out of that typical mold in which most of America (and, probably, the world) fits. I…
Are There Too Many Subscription Services?
The other day I was reading through Twitter when I can across a tweet promoting a subscription box specializing in snacks and candy from Thailand. Instantly, I thought to myself, “There really is a subscription service for everything.” So, of course, that question led to this post. Are there too…
The Waxed Cotton Jacket: A Fall Classic
I woke up yesterday to walk my dogs early, and it was cold and damp out. What a truly fitting last day of September. Today is October 1st, and Fall is really here, not just a date on the calendar. It’s chilly in the morning. Next week, the highs will…
A Proper Fitting Shirt
Bad Fit Vs. Good Fit It’s been said that the clothes make the man, but, in cases of real quality, the man definitely makes the clothes. An elegant shirt has the capacity to improve its wearer’s professional appearance, enhance their image, and even boost their general attractiveness, helping them stand…