Normally I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I believe if you want to make a change, it’s better to simply start than to pick some arbitrary date and wait for it to arrive. However, I can appreciate the concept of having some sort of delineation between old behaviors and new. This year, though, I got myself into a pretty lazy rut over the holidays.
Tag: meditation
The Power of “Airplane Mode”
I’ve fallen in love with my phone’s “Airplane Mode” over the last few months. I turn it on (meaning my phone’s connection is off) overnight and leave it on during my morning meditation and workout. At first I worried about emergencies in the middle of the night. How would people be able to contact me if something was wrong?
What’s Your Anchor?
What’s Your Anchor? What’s your anchor? What’s your one thing that keeps you grounded in reality? That keeps your day on the right track? For me it’s meditation. From my conversations with mantic59 of Sharpologist, I can safely guess it’s his morning shave. For others it might be something they…
Thoughts on Tailor & Barber’s One-Year Anniversary
Thoughts on Tailor & Barber’s One-Year Anniversary This past August Tailor & Barber passed its one-year anniversary, and that got me thinking. What are the people who read this blog getting out of it? What am I getting out of it? What do I want Tailor & Barber to stand…
Dealing with Adversity
Dealing with Adversity Yesterday I had a meeting that I didn’t want to attend, didn’t go my way, and didn’t leave me feeling particularly well. In fact, I still haven’t totally shaken the feeling. We all face situations like this, so, how am I dealing with it? 1. Preparation Life…