In a wet shaving world filled with exotic fragrances and artisan creations, I find it refreshing to use something simple and easy. One of my favorite “simple” tools is the shaving stick, and in my search for these easy-to-use products, I found my way to the Palmolive shave stick. I’ve…
Tag: La Toja
Musgo Real Classic Scent Shaving Cream Review
In the traditional wet shaving world there is a lot of discussion around stylish Italian, luxurious British, and artisan American grooming products. Japanese-made shaving gear usually follows closely behind, especially in the hardware discussion. However, there are some neglected products from a particular geographic area which, I think, deserve a seat at that table. I’m talking about The Iberian Peninsula, specifically Spain and Portugal.
Catie’s Bubbles Spanish Holiday Shaving Soap Review
Catie’s Bubbles might be one of the few good things to come out of New Jersey. I kid, I kid. As a Philadelphia guy, making fun of the Garden State is something I’m compelled, almost involuntarily, to do. Catie’s Bubbles had been on my radar for a long time. Probably for over a year, but I only finally got around to trying their shaving soap. I picked up a few, so I would expect more reviews in the future. But I decided to kick it off with the Spanish Holiday shaving soap.
Some of My Favorite Scent Combinations Part 2
If you missed yesterday’s post, I decided to split this up because I had more combinations than I originally realized. Be sure you don’t miss part 1!
La Toja Shaving Stick Review
La Toja Shaving Stick Review This is not the first time I’ve written about the La Toja Shaving Stick. You can read that here. Yet, I figured since I’ve been using this soap so much lately, the shaving soap deserved its own review. The first thing about the La Toja…