In the past week and a half I’ve post five different outfit on Instagram, while not writing too many posts. I did, however, get a few questions on what some of the clothes I was wearing were and where to buy them. So I thought it might be a good idea to run through those pictures and provide that requested information.
Tag: instagram
Weekend Reading
I’m really trying to figure out how many posts are actually feasible in a given week. In the perfect world that only exists in my head, I would publish five articles a week, plus a Weekend Reading on Saturdays. That doesn’t seem to be happening, and it only ends up…
Five Apps I Can’t Live Without
This era of online connectivity has brought us some powerful resources which have greatly improved my life and productivity. Today I thought it would be fun to look at a few apps that I use at least daily, if not hourly, which have now become necessities in my routine.
A Gent Vs. a Gentleman
I need to talk about a trend that’s been taking over Instagram and other social media lately. Ok, so it’s not that recent, but it’s starting to get out of hand; this idea of being a “gent”. I’m sure you’ve seen these posts. They usually involve four or five guys…
My Updated Morning Routine
My Updated Morning Routine What a crazy August it’s been! I haven’t posted in a few weeks, and I haven’t even had time to get much writing together. We have this amazing summer babysitter who is a teacher during the school year. So the only real drawback is that she…