Man, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. Between spring break, Easter, my son’s 4th birthday, a family-wide stomach virus, and a 3-day juice cleanse, I’ve been running on empty for a while. I needed a few weeks to recharge and focus on some jobs around the house. We hung some new art, cleaned off my wife’s desk (it was horrendous!), and cleared out a ton of old kids’ clothes and toys. I feel like I’m finally getting back on track here.
Tag: Fine Accoutrements
Fine Accoutrements “Snake Bite” Aftershave Review
Do you like bone-chilling menthol? You had better. This stuff has it in spades, and I haven’t experienced anything like it before. I even made the questionable judgment call a few weeks ago of using “Snake Bite” on one of our sub-freezing winter days. That was…invigorating.
Some of My Favorite Scent Combinations Part 2
If you missed yesterday’s post, I decided to split this up because I had more combinations than I originally realized. Be sure you don’t miss part 1!
2015 Grooming Product Awards
2015 Grooming Product Awards Look, I know it’s not the most exciting title, but it is accurate. I tried a lot of products this year, some good, some bad. A few notables stood out from the crowd, and they deserve to recognition. These are the products that I kept coming…
Truefitt & Hill Grafton Review
I recently purchased a large sample pack from Truefitt & Hill, which, in my opinion, is the best selection of samples offered by one brand. I’ve been looking to pair down my cologne cabinet to several scents/fragrances rotated seasonally. In my OCD mind, I would like a perfect world where…