Movember starts on Wednesday, November 1st. Are you ready? Movember, also sometimes known as No Shave November, is the month when men shave on the 1st and then grow out either their mustache or other facial hair in an effort to bring attention to men’s health issues, like prostate cancer…
Tag: Feather
Musgo Real Classic Scent Shaving Cream Review
In the traditional wet shaving world there is a lot of discussion around stylish Italian, luxurious British, and artisan American grooming products. Japanese-made shaving gear usually follows closely behind, especially in the hardware discussion. However, there are some neglected products from a particular geographic area which, I think, deserve a seat at that table. I’m talking about The Iberian Peninsula, specifically Spain and Portugal.
Mühle R41 Open Comb Razor Review
Months prior to this review, when I first unpacked my new Mühle R41, I thought to myself, “How much different can this razor be than what I’m already using?” I should have known better. Just for starters, the Mühle R41 is significantly heavier than any of my Merkur or Edwin Jagger razors. The weight difference is noticeable even without the assistance of a digital scale.
Getting the Most out of Your Slant Razor
I broke out my Merkur 37C this week after, at least, a six month hiatus. Initially, I had stopped using it because no matter what I did, I always seemed to scrape my face up when I used it. Finally, after over three years of traditional wet shaving, my luck…
Mickey Lee Soapworks Italian Stallion Shaving Soap Review
Mickey Lee Soapworks “Italian Stallion” Shaving Soap Review I have a rule about restaurants. If I go and the food is bad, I’ll give the place another shot. Maybe I just didn’t like the flavor of something, in actuality, prepared correctly. However, if I go out, and the service is…