Movember starts on Wednesday, November 1st. Are you ready? Movember, also sometimes known as No Shave November, is the month when men shave on the 1st and then grow out either their mustache or other facial hair in an effort to bring attention to men’s health issues, like prostate cancer…
Tag: DR Harris

DR Harris Arlington Review
A full review of the DR Harris Arlington shaving soap and aftershave.
Gift Guide: The Wet Shaving Man
Have you started Christmas shopping yet? Not me. I’m still working on ideas. I think most guys are still in the “idea” stage at this point. Or maybe you’re just leaving the gift-buying up to someone else this year. Starting today I’m going to give bring some help to your holiday shopping procrastination. I’m going to publish four gift guides this week. The initial goal is to obviously assist with the holiday shopping, but these are guides that can be used year-round whenever you need a little gift giving inspiration.
Barrister & Mann Diamond Shaving Soap Review
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Fourth of July holiday (if you’re from the U.S.). I decided to take a few extra days off (aside from writing a post that lost me followers and earned me a pepper spray threat). But we’re back to the traditional wet shaving today and a summer-focused shaving soap review. With the passing of the Fourth, we’ve really hit the dog days of summer, and I was thinking about the one thing that combines celebrating America with those dog days: baseball.
Weekend Reading
Weekend Reading It’s been a quieter week around here. My wife took our daughter up to New York for a few days (her first trip!). They’re visiting Dylan’s Candy Bar, the American Girl store, and something called The Gazillion Bubble Show. She actually got to go on stage, and loved…