Ok, this is the gift guide I’ve been putting off the longest. And as i’m writing it now, i can see why. Shopping for women is tough. It’s pretty easy for me to go through things that I would like to have for myself and package them up in gift guides for men and hit “publish”. But shopping for the women in my life? That’s where i run into trouble.
Tag: Daniel Wellington
Style Thoughts
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Jewelry Gifts for Men? Yes!
Jewelry Gifts for Men? Yes! The holiday season is usually the time of year when men break out gifts in the form of little, velvet boxes. This is almost always a fantastic idea. To echo some advice I recently heard on the Style Girlfriend podcast, the only exception would be…
Style Thoughts
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Style Is in the Details
Style Is in the Details I think one of the drawbacks to developing your own personal style is that eventually you feel like you’re just putting on a uniform every day. Nothing wrong with that, and if you crave simplicity in your life you could do a lot worse stylistically than…