How’s post Labor Day life treating everyone? It’s seems like things suddenly got very real this week with school, work projects, soccer practices, intense workouts, and everything else that was held off during the summer. Like a boiling pot that couldn’t be contained any longer, life just had to return…
Tag: Barrister and Mann
Barrister & Mann Diamond Shaving Soap Review
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Fourth of July holiday (if you’re from the U.S.). I decided to take a few extra days off (aside from writing a post that lost me followers and earned me a pepper spray threat). But we’re back to the traditional wet shaving today and a summer-focused shaving soap review. With the passing of the Fourth, we’ve really hit the dog days of summer, and I was thinking about the one thing that combines celebrating America with those dog days: baseball.
Fine Accoutrements “L’Orange Noir” Review
When I first started my journey into traditional wet shaving, there were three brands that initially hooked me. These were the products which showed me the possibilities of what shaving could be, transforming it from a daily chore to an experience of the senses and a lifetime skill. Fine Accoutrements was one of those three brands.
Some of My Favorite Scent Combinations Part 1
Ok, so when I was putting this post together, I discovered that I have more than a few favorite scent combinations. In fact, I came up with nine! So this will be my first two-part post. Sometimes I choose a shaving soap for performance. Sometimes I choose for simplicity. Sometimes…
Getting the Most out of Your Slant Razor
I broke out my Merkur 37C this week after, at least, a six month hiatus. Initially, I had stopped using it because no matter what I did, I always seemed to scrape my face up when I used it. Finally, after over three years of traditional wet shaving, my luck…