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I Finally Found a Skincare Regimen that Works
Peter Thomas Roth Acne Kit I haven’t truly suffered from acne, but like most guys, I haven’t had perfect skin either. Throughout my teen and adult life, I’ve definitely had my fair share of blemishes, pimples, zits, blackhead, whiteheads, etc. Regardless, my skin has not been what I want it…
Guys, Please Stop Doing These Seven Things Right Now!
I long for a day when men take a little more pride in their appearance, and I apologize in advance for the coming rant, but I just can’t take it any more. Guys, you’re better than this. I know you are. Every day I walk around the city, I see so…
Product Review: D. R. Harris Marlborough Shaving Soap
I’ve definitely used the Windsor more! Of the great British apothecaries, D. R. Harris & Co. Ltd. seems to get much less attention than the 3 Ts, and of the D. R. Harris lines, the Marlborough line seem to get less attention than the Arlington or Windsor lines. I have…
The Waxed Cotton Jacket: A Fall Classic
I woke up yesterday to walk my dogs early, and it was cold and damp out. What a truly fitting last day of September. Today is October 1st, and Fall is really here, not just a date on the calendar. It’s chilly in the morning. Next week, the highs will…