I’ve been trying to get better at putting the details from Instagram posts on the blog, but I’m not sure if doing it after every post is the right thing to do. I think if I were to focus on just that, I wouldn’t have any time to write any other types of posts like product reviews, outfit inspirations, general lifestyle, or my occasional rants about what’s going on in the world. God knows there’s plenty of fodder for those kinds of posts these days.
So what should I do about getting the information from my posts to you all, while still allowing me the time to write other posts at well? I think a weekly Instagram round-up post is a good idea. Please let me know what you think in the comments below so I can get a handle on these type of posts. Don’t forget, if you can’t wait for the post to run, you can always find the information right away, on the Shop the Feed page. This is where I include product information as well as similar substitutes.
Now I’m not just going to post a bunch of pictures with links, but I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on each outfit too. Why I wore it, what I think, what I want to improve, etc. But for now on to the pictures.
Instagram Round-Up
Ok, what do I like about this outfit? The jacket material is a wonderful hopsack from Reda. My wingtips are breaking in nicely. Brooks Brothers Regent jackets fit me very well without many alterations. These poplin trousers are so light even in the heat. Now, what don’t I like? I with the jacket was a little longer and the lapels a little wider. I wish the pants stayed pressed a little longer. I wish the leather was a little softer on the shoes. But overall, I’m a big fan of a look like this, especially as the heat extends into October.

Jacket: Brooks Brothers // Shirt: Brooks Brothers // Pants: Brooks Brothers
Shoes: Allen Edmonds // Socks: Corgi // Belt: W. Kleinberg
If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m slightly obsessed with this field jacket from Suitsupply. It’s cotton, it’s water-resistant, it’s light and easy to wear. Pairing it with denim is so easy that it makes even a double-denim outfit like this a little less jarring. I think working in a pair double-soled brogues works well for transitioning this into a fall outfit.

Jacket: Suitsupply // Shirt: The Tie Bar // Jeans: J. Crew
Belt: J. Crew // Shoes: Herring Shoes // Socks: Corgi
This outfit was a bit of an experiment in 1) how a crewneck sweater looks on me with a collared shirt and 2) how, specifically, a Harvie & Hudson (non button-down) collar looks under a sweater. To the first point, I like having a collard shirt under a sweater more that I thought I would. I can’t stand when my undershirt collar shows when I wear a crewneck sweater, so my options are wear no undershirt with a cotton sweater, or wear a collared shirt with a wool sweater. (Of course this is a collared shirt with a cotton sweater, but that’s ok too.) However, regarding point number too, I don’t like the look of a loose collar under a crewneck sweater. I think I would prefer a button-down. What do you think?

Sweater: Brooks Brothers // Shirt: Harvie & Hudson
Jeans: J. Crew // Boots: Allen Edmonds // Belt: W. Kleinberg
This outfit builds on the last few. There’s that field jacket again and the same sweater, but in a different collar. It’s pretty amazing how wearing a collared shirt or not affects how casual or formal an outfit can look. I’m also really into these suede loafers too. Suede is so great for fall, and, when broken in, they are incredibly comfortable.

Jacket: Suitsupply // Sweater: Brooks Brothers
Jeans: J. Crew // Shoes: Cheaney // Belt: W. Kleinberg
What do you think of these outfits? What do you think of the Instagram round-up format? What other types of outfits would you like to see? I’d love to get any and all feedback so I can continue to create new and interesting content!