Let’s talk about something most guys don’t want to talk about, but from my SEO keyword research, it seems like a lot of you are googling: whether or not to shave your pubic hair. It’s a relatively new trend for guys, so I can see why there would be some confusion and hesitation. I remember when a friend of mine told me he took a set of clippers to his whole body every June to stay cool in the summer. This was in 2003, and I was a little taken aback. Today, I know how ahead of his time he was. And fortunately we have much better tools today than the barber clippers he used back then, like the Meridian personal trimmer.

Before I get into the trimmer itself, I want to make a personal recommendation that you should shave your pubic hair. I guess trim is a better word, but you know what I mean. I’m not advocating for completely shorn scrotum à la Dr. Evil recalling his childhood. I’m talking about a general clean up and grooming, keeping your pubic hair short and neat. So why should you do this? First of all, it’s comfortable. I’ve found that things stay just a little bit cooler with less trapped heat. Second, it’s more hygienic. Pubic hair can trap sweat and dirt which can cause odor and irritation. This was actually the purpose when man was a little less evolved. Pubic hair kept us warmer and protected us from our natural environment. Today those needs are behind us, and we now live in air conditioned homes. Third, and this one is subjective, your partner will probably appreciate it. Keeping things a little neater, cleaner, and smelling better will most likely be appreciated. Finally, reducing the surrounding hair can give you the perception of increased size, which I think most men can agree is a good thing.
Meridian Personal Trimmer Review

Now, let’s talk about the Meridian personal trimmer. Meridian was kind enough to send me one of their trimmers to use for this review. This trimmer is designed specifically for men’s tender regions, although I found it’s extremely comfortable on armpits too (yes, I trim them for the same reasons). The trimmer comes with a USB-based cord for charging almost anywhere. You can charge it on your computer, phone charger, or USB outlet. That’s very convenient. It also comes with four interchangeable guards to help you achieve your desired length, brush for cleaning, and “Ball Spray” to eliminate odor and keep things fresh. Think of the spray like after shave (no burn) for your huevos. You also have the option of using the trimmer without any guard. It’s designed to still be as comfortable. I use this option for any areas where I don’t want any hair or just to clean up areas I may have missed. The trimmer is also waterproof, so feel free to use it in the shower for easier cleanup.
I’ve used other personal trimmers in the past. I’ve used those little personal trimmers meant for ear hair and eyebrows. I’ve even used barber clippers. The Meridian personal trimmer is far better than any of them. It cuts clean and quick, it’s comfortable, and it’s easy to use. This is one of those sample products I receive that I’ll continue to use long after this review is done. I suggest you try it too. You (and probably your partner) will thank me.