Movember starts on Wednesday, November 1st. Are you ready? Movember, also sometimes known as No Shave November, is the month when men shave on the 1st and then grow out either their mustache or other facial hair in an effort to bring attention to men’s health issues, like prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The associated charity organizations have done so much to raise awareness and funds, but there’s always more to do. And always more money to raise. This year I’m going to be joining the No Shave November movement and grow out my beard, but I am going to run through a few steps I’m taking to make sure I’m ready.
Luxury Shave
Since I’m not going to be shaving, something I enjoy doing, for a month, I want my last shave to be special. I’m going to use one of my favorite shaving soaps and the accompanying aftershave. The brush has to be a silvertip for that added comfort. Hardware should provide comfort while achieving that extra-close BBS shave. That’s why I’m using this milder razor paired with this extra sharp blade. Finally to finish it all off, a top notch fragrance to get that autumn feel in full effect.
Beard Conditioner
Once my beard starts growing in, it’s time to start the maintenance. I found that when I grow a beard, adding a little beard conditioner in the early days helps me ease past that itchy, scratchy period. That’s the point where I want to shave it all off, but if I can just push through I can make it to that warm, comfortable, face sweater feel.
Beard Oil
After my beard grows to a respectable length, I’ll start bringing some beard oil into the mix. I like to use some conditioner at night and use the beard oil after my morning shower. The oil keeps my beard moisturized while the conditioner keeps it soft and comfortable.

Be Informed
While this may be fun thing to do for a month, and a neat “trick” to convince your significant other to let you grow a mustache, be sure to be ready to answer the real question about why you’re doing this. Read up on the organizations, charities, diseases, etc. Get yourself screened where necessary. And let people know what they can do to help the cause.
Movember Donation
Most importantly, be sure to give what you can to keep these movements rolling forward. The only way to continue funding the research is if people continue to contribute. And please point others in the same direction.
Donate to Movember
Donate to No Shave November.