Razor – Merkur 34C Blade – Personna Reds a.k.a. Israeli Personnas (IPs) Shaving Cream – Taylor of Old Bond Street Lavender Post Shave – Osma Alum Block (not pictured) Aftershave – Captain’s Choice “North” Aftershave Regards, Tailor and Barber
Category: Uncategorized
Winter Is Coming. Fight Back with Canada Goose.
Last year I was shopping for winter in one of my most favorite stores, Trove General Store, when I discovered one of my treasured pieces of Winter clothing. Trove has such a fantastic selection of unique items and exceptionally high quality gear, and you can’t say enough nice things about…
It’s Easier To Shop As A Guy
Two nights ago my wife and I were putting together a Fall clothing order for the family online from J. Crew. They are currently running a 25% off promotion through Halloween, and we thought it was a great way to get some new clothes for everyone this Autumn. She was…
Charcoal Suit, Navy Suit, Now What?
There are a lot of articles out there on buying your first suit or what to buy out of college for your first interview, etc. However, this blog is all about breaking your style out of that typical mold in which most of America (and, probably, the world) fits. I…
A Perfect Combination for Under $35
A “Perfect” Combination This post is inspired by one of my Instagram followers who was looking forward to trying a new purchase. I had recently used the same shaving soap and had followed up the shave with a new aftershave. What happened next astounded me. The main scents of these…