Today’s post is a little different from my usual posts. I woke up planning to write another product review, but it seems insignificant. Today, I’m exercising my right to write whatever I want. I don’t veer off-topic often, but I’m doing it today. It just feels…necessary. I’m sick and tired…
Category: Personal Time
How to Compliment a Woman and Not Seem Like a Creep
Know this. I’m writing this post with nothing but the best of intentions. However, in working on this post, I’ve realized it’s a much more sensitive issue than I had initially imagined. In fact, I feel like I can’t even bring the subject up without feeling uncomfortable.
Blueprint 3-Day Cleanse: Day 3
Ok, here it is. Day 3 of my 3-day cleanse. Let’s get this started. If want to see how I got here, read day 1 here and day 2 here.
Blueprint 3-Day Cleanse: Day 2
Ok, so here comes day two of my 3-day Blueprint Foundation cleanse. Don’t forget to ready day one here!
7:00 am
The day starts of strong. I don’t feel hungry, and smells seem strangely strong. I feel good. My wife, on the other hand, might be out. She’s definitely struggling. We’ll see how the day goes.
Blueprint 3-Day Cleanse: Day 1
My wife and I decided to do a 3-day cleanse together. Great idea, right? On top of that I got the genius idea to blog about it, so there was no backing out. We’ve been eating pretty terribly lately, and this seemed like a great way to kick ourselves back in the right direction.