Today’s blog post comes from a reader question. Well, technically, an Instagram follower question, but you get the idea. I was asked to recommend some everyday fragrances for daily wear. This follower was looking for a fragrance that he could wear to work on a daily basis that smelled good,…
Category: Fragrance

Geo. F. Trumper Spanish Leather Review
I remember getting my hair cut once, and when I was done I spent a few minutes (ok, like a half hour!) looking over their collection of men’s grooming and wet shaving products for sale. As I noticed a grouping of products with a scent described as Spanish Leather, my…

Seven Sensational Summer Fragrances
Summer’s not over yet, right? Ok, so I know I’m a little late on this post, but there are still two months of warm weather left this year, and with global warming what it is, who knows how hot fall will be. But now is a great time to take…

D. R. Harris Windsor Review
I recently moved the blog over to WordPress, and as I was reviewing my wet shaving content, I discovered something was missing: a review of the D. R. Harris Windsor shaving soap, aftershave, and eau de toilette. Spoiler alert: they’re some of my favorite products. I mean, for the amount…

French, Italian, English Cologne
A look at what make French, Italian, and English colognes unique.